DMA Introduction

  • intro & reference

  • DMA 分為兩個種類

    • standard DMA (DMA Controller): 有 central 的 DMA Controller, DMA Controller 會提供 control register 來讓 CPU 進行讀寫, 用於指定 DMA copy 的記憶體位址.

    • bus mastering: CPU 跟每個 peripherals 都可以被授權來控制 memory bus. 因此 peripheral 能直接成為 bus master, 就能直接對 memory 進行讀寫.

  • DMA Controller Example

    • 早期的(198x) IBM PC 使用 Intel 8237 作為 DMA controller.

    • Some Intel Xeon processor provide an embedded DMA controller called I/OAT.

  • Bus Mastering Example

    • PCI bus

    • AMBA AHB bus

DMA on ARM platform

DMA in ARM bus system(AMBA)

  • high-end (Cortex-A, Cortex-R)

    • DMA-330 Controllers (PL330, PrimeCell, CoreLink)

    • both high-end, high-performance AXI systems

    • AMBA-AXI protocol

    • AMBA-compatible peripheral

  • low-end (Cortex-M, ARM9)

    • AMBA-AHB protocol

    • DMA Controller: PL230, PL080, PL081

    • AMBA AHB system support bus mastering DMA

ARM specs:


AMBA bus

  • version

    • AMBA v1: Advanced System Bus (ASB) and Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB)

    • AMBA v2: AMBA High-performance Bus (AHB) that is a single clock-edge protocol.

    • AMBA v3

      • AXI: higher performance interconnect. (than AHB?)

      • ATB(Advanced Trace Bus): part of the CoreSight on-chip debug and trace solution

    • AMBA v4: AXI4, ACE: system wide coherency.

    • AMBA v5: CHI (Coherent Hub Interface): re-designed high-speed transport layer and features designed to reduce congestion.

  • thus, in version 5

    • bus protocol: AXI/AHB for high/low-end

    • cache coherence: AMBA5 CHI, AMBA 4 ACE

    • trace/debug: ATB

  • ref