ArchLinux ARM on odroid c2


some issue

Basic Usage

use package management system

  • update package database first, or you may not find package because of wrong package version:

    su root
    pacman -Syy
    # download URL is based on package version.
  • install basic tools for test:

    pacman -S sudo
    pacman -S git vim tmux
    pacman -S htop strace lsof

Use KVM on odroid c2

  1. Choose userspace tool:

    • build qemu/kvm-tool from scratch

    • use qemu/kvmtool build by VOS [1]

    • use Ubuntu’s QEMU deb package

  2. Choose guest OS image (Linux): Prepare AArch64 Linux guest OS image for more information.

    • Linaro Release by OpenEmbedded: minimal, LAMP

    • Ubuntu cloud image

    • Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora AArch64 release

[1] Virtual Open System


Analysis difference of odroid-c2 / rpi3 ArchLinux ARM

  • ArchLinux default packages

    • odroid-c2 v.s. rpi3

      • kernel + bootloader

      • rpi3 has wireless repo

      • odroid-c2 has initramfs repo